© 2015 Romolo Tschantret

Time and Space Travel Solutions!

First thing is, I have to help you to understand how a few things work.

According to my research, there are two kinds of people that have traveled in space: scientists or explorers. The difference being; a scientist will go somewhere with a lot of things to see, but when he gets there, he finds one thing that interests him and he tries to understand everything about it and nothing else. An explorer will see the same things but really never stop to understand anything about them, but rather appreciate all the things that he can see.

I am an explorer.

The skills that explorers have over scientists are comparable to those of a handyman compared to a specialist. A specialist is the best at what he does in his field, but a handyman can do several jobs in a lot of different areas. Even when he comes to a difficult job, an explorer can figure out the different ways of going about doing it, because he is familiar with many areas of difficulty. A specialist will only stick to what he is good at.

From as early as when a child begins to speak, they understand that we should be traveling much faster than we currently are. They don't understand why things take so long to reach a particular destination, but because they are conditioned to believe that the fastest means of transportation can only be achieved by the conventional transportation we have available to us, just as we have been conditioned to believe, they soon acquiesce to the reality of this current paradigm.

This is why you will hear kids on a long car ride constantly saying, “are we there yet?” They know that, no matter how far they are told that they're going, it should not take longer than 15 to 20 minutes to get there. Children’s brains automatically registers that there is a somehow delay in the transportation process.

So, if it's one mile or 1,000,000 miles, the child knows that they should have arrived at their destination within a relatively quick period of time; but because parents don't understand, or have forgotten a child’s conception of time and distance travel, they condition their children to understand the reality that is true to adults, because they have been trained that way, and will continue the process of training their kids that way..........

Now let us examine how the brain works with certain things. Please keep these points in mind because you will see how important they are concerning space travel.

(1)The brain can and cannot tell time.

The brain can let you know what time it is at almost any given time, even when you're sleeping. Some people, like myself, do not need or want an alarm clock when they sleep because of this fact.

The brain cannot tell time when things are happening.


  • When you are playing and having a good time, an hour feels like five minutes, and you are left wondering where all the time went.
  • Or when you do something that you don't like, five minutes feels like an hour.
  • When something traumatic happens, five minutes can feel like hours and hours. The brain can recall this moment and repeat the situation over and over in someone’s head, leaving their memories and emotions scarred from the experience.  These are just a few examples.

(2)The brain cannot distinguish the speed that it is going.


  • If you go 45 miles an hour on the road that is 15 feet wide your brain recognizes it as 45 miles an hour. But, if you go 45 miles an hour on the road that is 4 feet wide the brain recognizes it is traveling much faster.
  • If you are approaching a destination at 45 miles an hour, your brain detects the speed. But, if you are right on top of the object at 45 miles an hour your brain registers it as much faster.
  • When you are traveling in space where there are no barriers or boundaries, your brain cannot register the speed at which you are going. There is nothing around or in front of you to distinguish the rate of speed that you are traveling. I know people are out there reading this that are going to say that there are planets that can be seen that will help detect the speeds at which you are traveling, but outside our solar system the next set of planets are billions of miles away, and because of this, while moving at the speed of light, it appears that you are moving 20 miles an hour through space.

(3)The brain never sleeps or stops working.

  • If it were to stop at any time all your natural functions that keep you alive, like your lungs, your heart, your breathing, would automatically stop and you would be dead.
  • When you're thinking of something and can't remember it, sometimes a day will go pass by, or weeks, or even months, and then all of the sudden, you remember the answer to what you were thinking about days ago or longer. Your brain continues to work on the problem until it is solved and you don't even realize it.

(4)The brain cannot tell some realities.


  • When you're watching a 3-D movie, even though you know that the thing that is coming towards you is not real and does not have any substance to it, your brain reacts to it as if it being real, and can cause automatic “knee-jerk” reactions.
  • When you see a roller coaster ride on a TV screen that has been altered to make you believe that you are on an actual roller coaster, you automatically move and sway with the motion of the film. Your brain has difficulty in recognizing the differences between these two realities.


(5)How our brains see.

  • When we see with our eyes, it has been stated that we see 5000 pictures per second but when we see with our brain, we see more than 1 million pictures per second.
  • With every picture, the brain analyzes everything about it, in every way: How it works, how fast or how slow an object is, the brain tries to analyze an objects scent, where it goes, and much more. The brain analyzes its captured images with every direction, every color, and every facet of every picture. Sometimes, this understanding will take a lifetime to achieve; such is the example of Stephen Hawking, and his theory of a Black Hole in space.

(6)How much do we know about the universe?

Scientists always state, that there are millions and millions the planets out in space that they can see. They make it appear as if they can explain what these planets are, and what they are made of.

  • The only way that they have seen as much as they say they have, is through a telescope or from satellite imagery; and what they claim to know is only the information from the outside of the planets. The satellites and the probes cannot penetrate through a lot of these planet’s atmospheres, if any of it.
  • An excellent example of how true this is, is from the new pictures that we are receiving from Pluto. The scientists themselves are stating over and over what a wonderful magnificent small planet Pluto is. This is the first time they are observing close-up all the wonders that Pluto offers.
  • If the statements that they are making are true, then how can they say that they are seeing all these other planets trillions and trillions of miles away so adamantly as if we are visiting them. They are lying.
  • They are viewing these other planets as specs of dust in the universe through different spectrums of light to tell in some small detail, some compositions that the planets are may of. That is all!

(7)Please keep this part in mind, because it is very helpful with understanding what some people have experienced while traveling through space. Also, all the points made prior to this have an enormous bearing for space travelers.

We are just learning what happens to the body when it is in space too long.

  • The body loses its muscles and strength and starts to deteriorate in space.
  • Eyes start to lose their positioning in the eye socket.
  • The digestion system stops functioning properly, and many other physical attributes change.

(8)Why will people that have traveled space not mention it?

  • They could not achieve it again to prove that they have done it at all.
  • They could not help anyone else to do it.
  • They would become discredited as a serious scientist.
  • People that have mentioned it are deemed mentally incapable of coping with reality.

(9)There two people that most of the public will recognize as reputable scientist in their field, that I know have achieved space travel in their past.

One is Albert Einstein. Some of the things that Einstein has pointed out are absolutely impossible to know from just looking through a telescope, which was the only means during his lifetime to view outer space.

  • Einstein could not understand how he traveled so fast or so far so quickly. In his calculations, his mathematical figures suggested that it was impossible to travel faster than the speed of light because it could not mathematically be calculated. It was said that it took him 10 years to figure out his formula, E=mc2. This was because he knew for certainty, that while he was traveling through space, that he reached speeds that were faster than the speed of light. So, he could not accept the formula until he proved to himself that it must have been because of a curve in space that he went over, somehow that made him travel so far so quickly. And that he could not have broken the speed of light. After accepting that explanation he published his paper on E=mc2. Scientists find it hard to accept things that they cannot prove. He made himself believe that there are curves in space, only then could he finally accept his own formula. A formula that I'm sure took him months to realize not years.

  • As I have mentioned regarding scientists; when having the opportunity to observe many things, they seem to find one thing of importance, and stick to understanding that to its full capacity. So when space traveling Einstein was fixated with understanding how he traveled so far so quickly.

  • He has also made calculations about outer space that were correct even without having the explicit knowledge of knowing that the universe is in motion. When it was discovered that the universe was moving, his calculations were still correct. This only proves that the brain realizes things that we cannot realize ourselves at the time.

  • If Einstein would have mentioned that somehow he had traveled in space, he would have been mocked by his colleagues and would not have had his achievements taken seriously. He would have been known as a great scientist, but mentally disturbed. As noticeable with all his findings, Einstein could not accept anything that he could not mathematically calculate.

  • According to my calculations, Einstein must have traveled for a period of approximately 1 to 2 minutes. Which would have given him millions of pictures to observe and calculate for the rest of his life.

(9)The other person was Stephen Hawkins. For him, it was obvious when he achieved space travel. He saw something that caught his eye almost immediately. That one thing interested him so much that he observed it the whole time he was traveling in space.

  • It was the black hole. The immense power of speed and energy fascinated him so much that he was mesmerized while viewing it, and by trying to understand what its purpose was. Watching it sucking everything in, even having the power to suck in light itself interested Hawking to wonder where everything was going that entered into the black hole.

  • We can understand why he was so positive that there was a black hole in our galaxy. Hawking even bet Albert Einstein that he could find a black hole and prove its existence. Why was he so sure? Because he knew that he had already seen it for himself.

  • The one thing that Hawking made a mistake with was, that he did not realize the effect that this discovery would have on his brain, and how it would interpret the event.

  • As he was standing on the event horizon, he did not feel that anything wrong was going on; which is actually true. There was nothing wrong going on as he observed a black hole. But, his brain could not tell the difference between what was true or false when observing the gravitational pull of the black hole. So for the rest of his life, his brain has been registering that he is still stuck in monumental event. So much so, that his body has responded to how his brain interpreted those few minutes. As if he was stuck in a gravity field. As I mentioned earlier, we are now just learning what happens to people's bodies in space. This is why his body continues to deteriorate as if he was being pulled in to the black hole itself. (This fact will be verified in the future). A lot of medical symptoms have the same reactions as others do. So it is difficult for doctors to understand what a major factor for a condition could be. They just treat the symptoms. 

(10)As an explorer, not a scientist, I have experienced time travel myself. I do not know what all the things are that I have seen, or how to calculate them mathematically. I was there for a joy ride observing everything that was around me. As we know, the universe is so vast and expansive. It's possible to move faster than the speed of light. When looking at space straight on, you cannot see the curves in the valleys and the slopes that are there, which may be enormous. I have never seen any myself.

  • How do I know what happens to Stephen Hawking so well? Because of what happened to me. What Stephen Hawking's calls a roving black hole is actually a distortion ring. It appears to look like flu attic space. What happened to Stephen Hawking’s physicality was not his fault, because he did not know how the brain would react to this particular situation, unlike myself that knows. By understanding how the brain interprets things, I figured that I could alter my brains conception of what was happening. But, at the last minute realizing that maybe I couldn't control it, I moved out of the way, and hit the outer rim of it for approximately 1 to 2 seconds. Which gave me vertigo that knocked me out for eight days, which my doctors registered as a grand mal seizure. When I came out of it I totally understood what happened to Stephen Hawkins. He must have been watching it for a little bit longer time than that.

  • How long did it take you, Stephen to realize what had happened to you? A week, a year? I think he realized it that day that something was wrong. But he couldn't tell anyone what happened because he didn't believe it himself, and would have been deemed mentally unstable. He knew that was a possibility, so he kept it a secret to himself. And that is how he became the black hole specialist in the scientific field.

(11) If you would like to talk to me about what I have been discussing in my essay, feel free to contact me. Or, if anyone else has had a similar experience and would like to share, I would be happy to hear your experiences.


I know how space travel happens and I also know how others can achieve it themselves!

 Written by: Romolo Tschantret